Carving: It is a way of skating, consists of advancing doing drafts to left side and right, getting drunk on the table, from a similar form to since it the medical instructors do snowboard, when they go down for a track of ski. It is possible to do in flat area, though the better thing is with a light slope in the sense of the march. If we go for the street, they can take advantage of the sloping planes that, occasionally we are in our way, as for example the income of garages, to do drafts. The longs most adapted for the carving, are those of an intermediate size (between 35 and 40 inches), with many flex and that turn well.
Downhill: It is a question of going down as rapidly as possible for very sloping roads, generally ports of mountain little travelled. It is a very dangerous modality, for what it becomes the use of protections indispensable adapted to avoid injuries in case of falls to great speed. Some skaters even use the same equipment that the motorists (integral and pretty hull of leather). It is important to dominate the technology of the sliding, to be able to reduce the speed in the entry of the curves. The suitable tables are more or less equal of long billiard cues that of carving (probably a bit more) but without flex, the axes, often are screwed over the table across a hole practised in this one, to lower the gravit center. Axes are used by a geometry that makes them stable.
Sliding: It started by being a technology and it has turned into a modality. As we said before it is used to reduce the speed of the skate, though also it is possible to do for the pleasure of skidding. To begin, it is possible to be easier to skid on a humid surface. It is a technology so spectacular as difficult. The tables are like those of the carving but with very hard wheels to reduce the adherence to the soil.
Cruising: It is not any more that to go from a site to other one, you catch your skate and to go away to where you want with. You can do it using the long as a way of transport or for fun. In the first case it is preferable to use small skates, which allow us to take them under the arm when we enter some side. In the second case, we can preestablecer the distance, depending on our preferences (carving, downhill, sliding …) and to choose the table in that more we are interested.
Slalom: Short tables are used to avoid cones, placed some in front of others, it as fast as possible. It is a very ancient modality, almost so much as the skateboard and that it needs of a great technical training for his correct execution.
Pool: It is to skate in swimming pools or bowls, there has much that to see with the origins of skate vertically. It is a question of rising and go down more doing drafts (without pivotar on the back axis) that of realizing tricks of coping or air. The tables are relatively short (from 29 to 34 inches) broad and with robust axes.
Dancing: It consists of dancing on the table, walking on her towards ahead and backward, rising and going down in march, jumping and everything what happens to you. The skates of dancing are the longest of all (of 45 inches in forward) and the best site to practise it is in a long and very smooth skating rink. In this modality it is where more variety of tricks they are realized and the most enterteining thing is a few tricks are connecting.
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