miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011


Till We Drop is a band created in Budapest, Hungary, and his style moves in the Pop Punk, with metal touches and all the energy of the hardcore. The band was formed at the end of 2009.

Till We Drop recorded his first single "Twnty Two" in February, 2010, and just after his first concert, the famous brand of energetic drinks Monster Energy Drink bet for them and they signed an agreement to support them. In July of the same year, Monster filmed a promotional video with the band touching " Be Kind, Please Rewind! ".

After another tour with the group of punk rock The Idoru during the spring of 2011, TWD centred on finishing and recording his last disc " The Summer Triangle ", ten songs that offer us furthermore energy that in his last singles, was thrown last November 11, 2011.

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